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physical therapy

eVaLUaTION                                 90 mins

Our Physical Therapists implement a holistic approach in evaluating your injury, pain or limitation with a comprehensive, one-hour examination. We take lifestyle, nutrition, and health goals into account while assessing your posture, movement patterns, muscle performance, flexibility and joint accessory motion to help identify the underlying cause of your symptoms, rather than just the source of pain or discomfort. During this visit, we work with you to set short and long term goals while developing a personalized plan of care.

TreaTMeNT                              60-90 mins  

We blur the lines between therapy and training here at PACT. Physical therapy treatment is guided by your personalized plan of care, which continues to be adapted during each session based on your progress and individual needs in order to maximize success. A treatment program includes therapeutic exercise, neuromuscular re-education, activity adaptation combined with manual therapy; myofascial release, manual stretching, trigger point release, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, cupping therapy, and strength and conditioning training.


ONe-ON-ONe                                  60 mins

A comprehensive, one-on-one training program tailored specifically for your individual goals, fitness level and ability. Our trainers emphasize injury prevention while using their extensive knowledge of exercise physiology, bioenergetics and strength and conditioning to guide you along your unique fitness journey. Achieve results with the most effective approach all while learning key movement principles that will keep you training harder for longer. We focus on building strength and endurance for a lifetime of movement.

GrOUp traINING                             60mins

Small group sessions that can be scheduled with friends for a fun, motivating workout. Sign up as a team to encourage each other and get the most out of every rigorous session. Each exercise is adapted to accommodate individual fitness levels, injuries, and risk factors.

cupping therapy

vaCUUM CUppING THerapY   30mins


A therapy that focuses on treating fascia to treat a variety of conditions, such as poor circulation, bursitis/tendonitis, muscular aches, plantar fasciitis, and chronic pain. Blood flow is stimulated to the injured area, breaking up adhesions and encouraging nutrient exchange and clearing of waste products to promote healing.




graston technique

GraSTON® TeCHNIQUe release     30mins 
The Graston Technique® is an innovative, patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that effectively breaks down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. Inflamed areas are pinpointed for an effective and precise treatment that allows muscles to hydrate and function correctly, decreasing inflammation. In some cases, applying Graston Technique® in conjunction with a regular treatment program can contribute to a faster recovery.


COMpeX®                           30 mins


Gentle, electrical pulses are applied to stimulate your nervous system to passively contract injured muscle tissue while you relax and recover. This seeks to alleviate pain, reduce swelling, assist with neuromuscular strengthening, and reinforce the benefits of other therapeutic modalities.

kinesio taping

KINeSIO TapING                   30mins  


From professional athletes to weekend competitors, taping can provide the necessary support to help minimize and prevent unnecessary injury. Kinesio taping can improve a wide variety of issues by aiding joint stability, correcting abnormal movement patterns, compressing injuries to reduce inflammation, and subsequently eliminate pain.

manual stretching

MaNUaL STreTCHING - FULL BOdY   30mins


Stretching is of monumental importance, yet is often ignored by even the most avid fitness fanatics. Enjoy a targeted and intense stretching session with our therapists that work on all joints and muscle groups, lengthen muscle fibers and increase bloody flow to muscles. Counteract poor posture, tight joint structures and over-trained muscles in one focused session.

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